Janet Holmes a'Court

I am delighted to be able to add my support to the ACT Fly Fishers' Club with their initiative to introduce Casting for Recovery. I developed breast cancer in 1997 and my thanks go to an American friend who alerted me to the newly founded Casting for Recovery programme . I therefore made a complete recovery from severe radiation damage.
I have fly fished with my father in the Canberra and later the Snowy Mountain region since a teenager. Setting up my rod on our verandah, I cast each day to overcome my injury. Fly fishing can take you to wonderful places all over the world and for many, not just great exercise but an exciting new life awaits you, beside beautiful streams and lakes as you search for rising trout. I am an active eighty one year old and still find this sport the most wonderful pastime.
Good luck to you all and to the ACT Fly Fishers' Club.
Janet Holmes a' Court
Patron of Fly Fish Australia
The Hon Susan Kiefel, AC
Former Chief Justice of High Court of Australia
I have found fly fishing to be a most satisfying sport, but it is more than that. It is well known that it increases a person's sense of well-being. In large part it is a meditative exercise, capable at points of producing a certain stillness of mind. It is undertaken in attractive natural surroundings, conducive to quelling a busy or anxious mind. It could contribute much to healing one's self.
I am pleased to lend my support to the Casting for Recovery programme to be introduced by the ACT Fly Fishers' Club and offer my best wishes to the club and all those who participate in Casting for Recovery.
The Hon. Justice Susan Kiefel

Sherrie Feickert BHSc
National Programme Co-ordinator
Casting for Recovery NZ Charitable Trust
On behalf of the Casting for Recovery NZ Charitable Trust team we wish you many congratulations and we want you all to know we are all so excited to see a new chapter of CfR starting in the Southern Hemisphere. This programme does so much for the participants and the joy on their faces at the end of the weekend makes all the effort worthwhile.
We wish you well with your first retreat and look forward to seeing it all unfold on your FB page.
Best wishes,
Sherrie Feickert
National Programme Coordinator