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What happens at a retreat?

The ACT Fly Fishers Inc. Club is pleased to host Casting for Recovery fly fishing retreats. The maximum number of participants per retreat will be 12 women.

Retreats run from Friday PM to Sunday PM.  See details of the weekend's program.


Casting for Recovery retreats offer the following, at no cost to participants:

  • Tuition in all aspects of fly fishing by experienced and patient fly fishers

  • Pampering sessions

  • Comfortable accommodation, meals, transport and fishing equipment


You will be immersed in the world of fly fishing, learning to cast, tie the basic knots and learn about the bugs trout eat. On the last day of the retreat, you will have a chance to catch a fish and you’ll be shown how to harmlessly release a fish, assisted by our experienced Casting for Recovery volunteers. The whole idea of the retreat is to remove you from your normal environment and envelop you in the support and fun of a group of women.


We provide you with comfortable twin-shared lodgings in 4.5 star hotel, meals, transport and use of fishing equipment. In our gathering area you will find refreshments with seasonal fruit and snacks. Some Casting for Recovery volunteers will be sharing meal times with you, taking care of your needs and sharing in your daily recollections.


The pampering session may offer hand/foot massages or a guided mindfulness period.


The objectives of a retreat are to provide:

  • basic knowledge of and skills in the sport of fly fishing

  • a break from daily routine through focusing on a sport

  • an opportunity to meet women in a similar situation and possibly set up support networks

  • some “pampering” 

  • timeout for family and supporters of participants.



















Note that you are free to participate at whatever level you feel comfortable with and you are free to break from any activity at any time. In any case, there will be plenty of rest periods.



Who is eligible and how do I register?

Casting for Recovery accepts any woman who has received a breast cancer diagnosis in her lifetime, regardless of age or stage of recovery.  We will provide you with all the gear you need for this fun experience.


The Casting for Recovery concept is well established and many women have appreciated the benefits of a retreat.

The ACT retreats are for women who have received their treatment in Canberra and wider region, who have sufficiently recovered to receive a medical clearance to participate.


You can register online or download a registration form.

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