Thank you for your interest in attending a Casting for Recovery retreat.
Retreats are open to women:
who have or have had breast cancer
who have received their treatment in wider Canberra region
who have been cleared by their Doctor or Care Nurse as being able to participate
Experience in fishing is NOT required.
The retreat can accommodate twelve women only. Selection is based on date of registration and medical clearance to participate. Usually, one or two more women will be on stand-by, just in case there is a late withdrawal.
If selected you will need to complete a Personal Details Form (e.g. food allergies, emergency contact, shirt size, transport requirements) and Medical Release Form which must be signed by your Dr / Care Nurse.
Complete the form below and submit or print a registration form. If printing the form, you can either email to info@castingforrecovery.org.au or post it to
Casting for Recovery
PO Box 3778
Manuka ACT 2603