Benefits of Partnering with Casting for Recovery
CfR internationally has over 25 years of experience in developing and supporting one of the original “Quality of Life” programs for women recovering from breast cancer. The tested and replicable program model has been extremely successful and inspired international efforts in Canada, UK, Ireland, New Zealand and now in the ACT.
In the USA it was found that CfR participants experienced a statistically significant reduction in anxiety and other distress symptoms associated with recovery from breast cancer.
CfR is Unique
CfR provides an opportunity for women whose lives have been profoundly affected by breast cancer to gather in a natural setting to address quality of life and recovery issues with other women in similar circumstances. CfR accepts any woman who has received a breast cancer diagnosis in her lifetime and has had her treatment in the ACT - regardless of age or stage of recovery. Participants require a medical clearance. CfR facilitates the support of women during their recovery, which they report as being unique and helpful.
The Need
In 2022 over 22,000 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Australia. This means one in eight women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Every day one woman in the ACT is diagnosed with breast cancer.
First Retreat - ABC News
What Casting for Recovery Participants Say
“A CfR retreat, it's an amazing experience. You learn that you're not the only one dealing with this disease, but you learn it in a beautiful, peaceful setting, surrounded by wonderful, strong women. The best part is that you get the chance to experience a new skill that provides a challenge and hope to move forward. I've thought numerous times about standing in that stream with my river guide trying to cast my line to catch the elusive fish, and the sheer awesomeness of it all. And that gives me hope.”
— Debbie, retreat participant
Ways You May Become a Sponsor
Ways you may become a sponsor of Casting for Recovery are:
sponsor a participant - $ 1000
sponsor purchase of equipment - $ 500
sponsor embroidery of CfR logo on participants’ shirts - $ 300
sponsor purchase of clothing for participants - $ 250
sponsor hotel accommodation for a participant - $ 200
sponsor a CfR sunhat - $ 100
sponsor a pair of polaroid sunglasses for a participant - $ 100
Depending on the magnitude of the sponsorship offered, CfR can offer the following features on the CfR website, subject to and at the sole discretion of the Council of the ACT Fly Fishers Inc. :
Name listed under Major Sponsors with a link to company website
Name on Sponsorships Board at retreat
May provide company literature, exclusive merchandise or product samples for free in gift bag
Company logo recognized once under Sponsors on CfR website
Company name/logo on retreat program
Company logo on retreat name badges
Company logo displayed on CfR printed and promotional material
Opportunity to give a presentation to interested members of ACT Fly Fishers Inc
May use the CfR ACT logo on its website
Will have exclusive supply to CfR ACT in the product and/or service category, as specified by CfR ACT
Donations in kind are welcome, for example, items that may be auctioned or sold at cost at various CfR fund raising activities .